Letter received by Banks from William Wright, 21 January 1789 (Series 14.17) - No. 0004

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Dr Swartz Sent his Prodromus to Dr. Walker.  I [if] you have a Spare Copy I will thank you for it.  What is become of the Hortus Kewiensis [Hortus Kewensis].

Dr. Garthshore will forward any books to me, and you will tell him where to procure the latest Edition of the Systema Naturae which I want.  I beg you will write me soon.  I have the Honr [honour] to be with the greatest respect

Dear Sir
Your faithfull & Obliged Serv [servant]
Willm Wright

Sir Jos Banks.

[On right hand side of page]

Dr. Wright
Jan 24 '89

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