The Goldsmiths Garland or The Bankers delight', 1807 (Series86.02) - No. 0013

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[Page 13]


In the Country he's built a grand room
he's so superstitious & rash,
Where his Friends & their Familys come
to adore his idolatrous trash.


Saint John is his Tutelar Saint
& as his false faith it grew waxd larger
he hired a grand Artist to paint
the Baptists raw head in a charger.


The Some tease when the Cardinals come
that they'l want a new King of their own
But he trusts that Lord Grenvilles broad bum
is immensely too wide for the Throne.


But among all his cares & concern
there is one thing he trembles to think on
If the Catholics get the return
They must keep out the Member for Lincoln.


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