Copy of a letter received by William Elmhirst, 8 May 1790 (Series 90.03) - No. 0001

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Dear Sir

I will give you as brief an state account as I can of the Present​ state of the affair between Mr. Pennell & the Commoners which was put into my hands in February last in order that I might devise a method of settling it & I shall be obliged to you if you will call together as many as you can of the persons concerned in order that their opinions may be taken of what I have done.

When I on being sollicited agreed to subscribe 20 guineas towards repelling the invasion that had been made on the rights of the commoners of Wildmore Fen, I concluded I had done what was right​ proper & voluntarily born my share of a limited expence to be appropriated to that purpose.  Little did I think & little I am sure did Mr. Stephenson think when he wrote my name down in a List of subscribers that he actualy Bound me to pay not only 20 guineas but also my share of whatever charges above expence beyond the money subscribed, should be incurred in processes of land​ such processes of Law as should be ordered by the meeting of subscribers.

This however was the case for Mr. Pennell had written at the top of the Paper on which the List was kept on undertaking by which each person who wrote his name or whose name was written under it by his known agent subjected himself to pay the expence of all such legal measures as it might be found necessary to take in defence

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