State Library of NSW
[Page 34]
Copy Tagus. Portsmouth 27th July 1815.
Dear Sir -
In reply to your letter of the 24th Instant, on the Subject of your further enquiries respecting Pitcairn Island; I beg leave to State to you, that in my opinion, much may be done for the Comfort & Convenience of this novel establishment. They were much in want of Cooking Utensils, and old John Adama requested particularly to have a kettle to boil Water in, with which he was supplied, as well as a Looking glass to shave himself by, with such other trifling articles as the State of the Weather enables us to send him. Their agricultural implements are also worn out, and they are now obliged, as I mentioned before, to beat out their Spades of solid Iron: They have all the books of the present Admiral Bligh, but time did not admit of our inspecting of what they consisted. - John
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