Further copy of Captain Pipon's Narrative of the State Mutineersof HMS - No. 0023

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Stores from the Bounty, as well as his live Stock be, tedious and laborious, he ran the Ship against the Rocks a little to the Southward of the place we landed at, and after having cleared her of every thing he thought necessary, set her on fire.  This was certainly a wise plan on his part to avoid detection, for as Pitcairns Island is mentioned on the Charts, and in all the accounts I have seen of it as uninhabited, it is not probable that any one would seek refreshments there; whereas had a wreck area been observed by any Vessel passing that way, Humanity, if not Curiosity would have let them to enquire if some fellow Creature in distress might not have been cast away here.  Again had the Shp been preserved, there might have been a possibility with any of the dissatisfied to Sail ways with her, and give information of the

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