Further copy of Captain Pipon's Narrative of the State Mutineersof HMS - No. 0020

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Name of the Island, and from the Information I received from John Adams, it appears Fletcher Christian certainly considered it to be Pitcairn, which is very extraordinary, for what we call Pitcairn Island in our Charts, is laid down three degrees of Longitude to the Westward of this, and nine Miles difference of Latitude.  Our Longitude was ascertained by three good Chronometers, which differed very little, it is therefore certain there must be a great error in the laying it down in our Charts. -

     I next came to the interesting narrative of Fletcher Christian;  It appears that this unfortunate and ill fated young Man was never happy after the rash and inconsiderate Step he had taken, but always sullen and morose, a Circumstance which will not surprize any one.  This moroseness however led him to many acts

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