Further copy of Captain Pipon's Narrative of the State Mutineersof HMS - No. 0017

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[Page 17]

us to the boats, and it was wonderful to see with what alacrity & neatness it was executed.  I am convinced our fashionable dressmakers in London would be delighted with the Simplicity yet elegant taste of these untaught females.  This young girl did accompany us to the Boat, carrying on her Shoulders, on her Shoulders, as a present, a large basked of Yams, thro' such roads, and such precipices as I mentioned before we could scarcely climb with the help of our hands -

     We lamented that our time did not permit us to visit the more lofty parts of the Island, and the fine plantations, there, as well as the other habitations; it had however, a very picturesque appearance; When we first beheld these, we were Struck with admiration, and readily conjectured they were not the work of Indians;  We were not deceived.
     But what delighted me most, and

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