State Library of NSW
[Page 13]
Adams performs the Matrimonial Ceremony, but this I imagine is Simply, giving the young girls away -
The greatest harmony now prevails in the Island: By their own accounts; no quarrels ever ensue, except it may be occasionally a few words which may pass, and to use their own expression, a quarrel sometimes by mouth, In all their dealings they are perfectly honest, bartering a hog for a Goat &c with each other in a most friendly Manner.
In their general intercourse they speak the English Language commonly, and even the old Otaheitan Woman have picked up a good deal of that language. - The young people Speak it with almost pleasing accents, and their voices are extremely harmonious. Their habitations are extremely neat, infinitely superior to what we saw at the Marquisas Islands. The little Village at Pitcairn forms a pretty Square, John Adams occupies the
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