State Library of NSW
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have silenced the only Clergyman in the Colony, so that there are now eight thousand British Subjects without any Person duly authorised to perform the sacred Rites of Religion. The Evils cannot be estimated that will naturally arise from this melancholy Cause. The time is now expired, when I intended to have returned to the Settlement : but I shall not think of embarking again, till some settled form of Government is determined upon. It was well for me that I was out of the way, when the disturbance took Place in N. S. Wales, or I should have had a good Share of their Resentment. They have got my private Papers to Governor Bligh which contain some pretty pointed References ; such as will not tend to conciliate their former good will to me. I feel happy that I am in the Land of Liberty, where the violent Hand of Oppression can do me no Injury.
I have the Honor to be Honoured Sir Your most Obed.t Hum Servt
Samuel Marsden
Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks &c &c &c
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