Letter received by Banks from Samuel Marsden, 28 September 1808 (Series 43.03) - No. 0003

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in Parramatta, & further at the Hawkesbury to sell Spirits, what must the State of that Settlement be, if there are in it one hundred & thirty two licenced Grog-Shops?  This single Circumstance is sufficient to shew the Spirit of the times.  Some Changes in the Government of the Colony must now be made, at the same time I am fully confident, that whatever Change his Majestys Ministers may in their wisdom deem expedient to make, the Kings authority can never be maintained in that Settlement, unless a certain Person is removed for ever from the Colony.  I need not mention his name.  His Conduct has been very conspicuous in the late Revolution.  His great wealth gives him Influence in that Society ;  his unbounded Ambition makes him turbulent, and his natural Ability (which is very considerable) makes him dangerous to the Government.  I have no doubt, but that the daring that which has been committed against his Majestys Government, will be investigated and punished - they have not only arrested the Governor ;  dismissed the magistrates. and suspended many of the civil Officers ; but they

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