Letter received by Banks from William Bligh, 24, 26 November 1791 (Series 50.16) - No. 0003

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     That I may perfectly reestablish my health, perhaps I shall not sail within a few days so soon as I otherwise should, - that loss of time is of less consequence than my not being able to act, I hope however to Sail about the 6th December. -

     The Gardners are very well, and are about the Country zealously employed. - Two only of the Nectarine Trees are alive, which Mr. Brand returns you many thanks for - The Pine Apples are all healthy.  I am collecting as many Fig Plants as can be got, that the Gardners may by their treatment gain some knowledge how to manage the Breadfruit -

     I hope that Great Providence which has hitherto protected me will send your little Providence back to you with success in due time.

     I am My Dear Sir with great regard
            Your Most Affectionate
               & Hble. Servant
                     Wm Bligh


Sir Joseph Banks Bart

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