Letter received by Banks from William Paterson, 26 October 1795 (Series 27.11) - No. 0004

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soon after establishing the Colony, have been found about forty miles to the westward of this, a herd of above fifty were seen and it is supposed there are still more, but so extremely wild that the people could not get near them.

          The flourishing state of the Colony will not I hope be doubted any longer, our crop of wheat has the most promising appearance, and stock of every description thrives well.

          The present War, will I fear prevent the Govr. for some time employing the Reliance, and Supply much to the advantage of the settlement, as Cattle must be the principal object.

          Mrs. Paterson is in good health, and joins me in most respectful compliments, to yourself, Lady and Miss Banks.

I remain Dear Sir.
Your Most Obedient Servt
W. Paterson

P.S.  I hope you have not forgot my earnest wish of becoming a Fellow of the Royal Society, should you think me at all deserving of that honor 

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