State Library of NSW
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for the needy emigrants who may visit it.
The governor has never favored me with his opinion of the Country or let me into any part of his Plan.
They had a [catastrophe?] here [22?] & lightning has made much devastation all around them besides killing the greatest part of the marines livestock the rest of which is in a starving condition for want of food.
The [Rio?] spirits are so bad that nothing but necessity could induce men to use it & we were not acquainted with its badness till too late to provide better.
The marines have not victuals enough 14 ounces being found for 16 tho Mr Nepean promised they would be victuald exactly as at Gibralter except paying for their rations had the writer supposed that he was not to have been servd with more [indecipherable] than the convicts 6 ounces a week he would have supplyd himself before he left England.
At the end of three years no more wine or spirits would be allowd it is hopd therefore that better & more provisions will be allowed us.
No troops ever had more severe duty to do or did their duty with more alacrity but should their grog be stoped I pray they may be recalld & myself with them as I dread the consequence.
We want also clothing & stationary.
July 10 1788
Marines report
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