Summary of 'Marines report' and dispatches to the Admiralty, 10 July 1788 (Series 35.03) - No. 0004

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are now employd without whose assistance we never should had been hutted.

The governor has put Lieut Dawes upon the duty of an engineer by which the detachment loses the relief he should have been of to them.

Soon after our arrival Leut King was ordered with the Supply & some male & Female Convicts to Norfolk Island.

The country is reported to be Rocky & barren a few spots only excepted small streams of water only have been discovered all the Stone is of one kind resembling portland Stone.

Tho the Country appears to be Coverd with fine Timber that is not the Case the best Kind has a pine top the timber is hard like oak but large trees are generaly rotten at heart & often alternately rotten & sound but of such & Cabbage trees our officers & men are obliged with great difficulty to form their hutts.

Might I obtrude my opinion a settlement on this part of the Coast never can answer any purpose of Government it is destitute of every thing which can be an object to a commercial Country except a harbour & it is much to be feared that the nature of the soil is such as will not be brought to yield more than sufficient

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