Summary of 'Marines report' and dispatches to the Admiralty, 10 July 1788 (Series 35.03) - No. 0003

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Angry at not being acquainted with his destination Botany B appeared to be nothing but sand rock & swamps unfit for any kind of cultivation.

All landed in health.

They have no kind of defence against surprise the natives tho heathen shew no inclination to any kind of intercourse.  I suspect they are not of that harmless disposition which was represented because Capt Campbell found the bodies of two convicts who had been sent out to gather thatch murthered [murdered] & mangled by the natives one had 7 spears in it & both skulls were fractured but no part of their tools cloaths or provisions were taken away.

The detachment have no houses yet all under canvas but are making them with only 4 convicts carpenters & a few others of no trades.

From the sandy nature of the soil all buildings must be constructed of wood.

The wood is so indifferent that we sometimes fell a number of trees before one is found convertible into use & the huts are for want of other materials to be shingled the consequences are alarming the sick list increases & the scurvy is making great havoc.

Finding that the governor employed artificers from on board the ships & paid them, I applied for a similar order for those in my corps & it was granted in consequence of which the artificers

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