Letter received by Banks from John Fothergill, 26 July [?]1777 (Series 72.053) - No. 0001

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prefixd to the Second Edition of Parkinsons voyage                
26 July 1777              

Near Middlewich
Cheshire 26 Inst.

I wrote to my honoured Friend from this place sometime ago, and have since sent up to the printer the conclusion of my remarks.  I directed him to send a proof sheet as soon as he could to Burlington Street.

Since the papers were sent the inclosed remarks, which were put into my hands by Dr. Morris Physician to the Army in America, soon after the Journal appeared.  I did not at that time think the answer a sufficient one, nor the means of diffusing it adequate to the occasion, and therefore Left laid it aside.  It fell in my way the other day at this place, as I was sorting some papers, and perhaps with an introduction like that which I have inclosed, it may not be altogether unsuitable, except that he speaks of me in a manner, that may cause a suspicion, that vanity prompted me to publish it.

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