State Library of NSW
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of a hundred different [indecipherable] here also I have been particularly attentive to their modern names which I find agree much better better than we should expect at this distant period with those of [indecipherable] & Aristotle. Among the [indecipherable] & [indecipherable] I think [indecipherable] some new species - tho' the Variety & Variability of their colour often dazzle & deceive the Sethyologist [?]. A Mr. Hawkins a Cornish Gentleman who has pursued the study of mineralogy with uncommon ardour is on his way from Vienna to join me at Constantinople. I expect about the latter End of January we shall set forward for Cyprus from thence to Rhodes & Crete whence I shall return again to Athens - making it my Head Quarters - attempt to penetrate on the one side into the interior [indecipherable] [indecipherable] of the Morea. visit argos & sparta - & on the other side if possible pass thro Thessaly to Mount Athos as I wish to make my Flora Gracia as compleat as possible - I am under the greatest obligation to Mr Bt. Ainslie [?] who has in every occasion aided me with his Friendship & Protection, in whose hospitable Palace I enjoy a necessary repose & every assistance to further my pursuits. My best Compliments to Dr Dryander who will be so good as to forward the different Parcels of Seeds as with my Compliments when you see my worthy Friend Lightfoot you will please to remember me kindly to Him telling Him that I have often gathered an additional
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