State Library of NSW
[Page 14]
Suddenly into My left Leg, which probably was the Cause of saving My Life, but it left me a Criple for a time; I am however so well recoverd, that I have been upon a Pedestrian Excursion since, in search of some good Ground to Settle the Old Marines upon, whose tour of duty in the Corps is expird, & I have found abundance of excellent Land between Parramatta & the River I was lately at; All these discoverys flatly Contradictd the Accuracy of the Observations given in a Chart Constructed by Mr Dawes & Publishd in My Journal by Mr Stockdale, for in that there is scarsely a Spot of tollerable Land near our Situation. I must now Conclude whilst I have room to assure you that I am with highest respect & Esteem
Dear Sir
Your Obedt. & faithfull humble
Jno: Hunter
I have so much to write that I must Apologise for the roughness & carelessnss of this letter, for I really cannot undertake to write it fair or more Correct.
I believe I have not in the Course of this long letter acknowledged the honor of having receivd your obliging Letter by the Prince of Wales Store Ship.
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