Letter received by Banks from John Hunter, 30 March, April, June 1797 (Series 38.05) - No. 0010

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Censure shoud any be thought Merited, fall where it may be Considerd due, for it is not the Work of a day nor a Year to destroy such effect, and which I am using every means in my power to Correct.

I have been this last Summer to Broken Bay & up the Hawkesbury, and I am lately returnd from Botany Bay, whether I went to Explore a River which I had not been to the head of, It runs Westward about 25 Miles from the Bay, it is a branch of that River I had formerly been in, but had not Examind this past; Near the head it divides into Several Creeks, chiefly Shoal Water, but Navigable for large Boats, those Creeks, generally terminate in a Chain of Ponds of fresh Water. The Banks of these branches are in general, Rich good Ground, and are not more across the land from Parramatta than from five to Six Miles in a NNE & SSW direction, which I have Walk'd, & much of the way thro a thick Shrubbery or Brush Wood, the Ground is excellent, Here I profess whenever I have Strength, to Clear Ground for Government, if it is resolvd to Farm extensively on the Public account; if this is the Case, Speculating Merchants, Farmers & Settlers will be Completely undone, because they can have no Market for what they may raise, & without a Market they must certainly go Naked. You can have no Idea of the Jealousy which has been occasioned by the use to which I have applied a part of those Men whom I have lately recoverd to

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