Letter received by Banks from John Hunter, 30 March, April, June 1797 (Series 38.05) - No. 0009

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difficultys in less than five Months, We are preparing Materials for another at Parramatta. Even this usefull Machine whilst it was actually Employ'd for the very people who were attending it, they took an opportunity in the absence of the Miller, & Stole away part of the Sails from the Vanes & occasioned it to Stop.

We have also Erected a Granary at Sydney which will Contain ten or twelve thousand Bushels of Wheat, a Building so necessary that it shoud have been up five Years ago. Were I to Mention the Number of Public Buildings which are & have long been wanting, You wou'd really Sir be Surpris'd that such indispensible Works shoud have been Neglected, they certainly shd. have kept pace with the Extent of Cultivation & increase of live Stock. I have given a list of such wants to the Secry. of State, to Shew the impossibility of my doing anything under such Circumstances in Agriculture for the Want of Strength. I hope I shall not be Censur'd for saying that these Embarrissments have long appeard to me to have been artuflly contrivd, for it appears that the information that this Colony was to continue a Naval Government was ill relishd here by Many, not of the Civil department, but I shall Surmount all those inconveniences sooner than might have been expected; My chief Concern is, the Expence which this such means have been occasiond to Government, & of which both the Duke of Portand & Lords of the Treasury Complain, but I have in reply to those Observations, requested that His Grace will recur to the Original Cause of those Expences, & to let the Censure

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