Copy of a letter written by John Hunter to Banks, 15 January 1800 (Series 38:16) - No. 0069

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quantities which might be introduc'd wou'd have the Effect of reducing the general Prices, & the Eagerness with which the laboring People avail themselves of such opportunitys as offer paying out the easing of their industry would immediately erase, because they would at all times be able to procure what they might want I took the liberty of hinting this to Government three & half years ago, but I know not whether it was Notic'd or not, --

The Mean & infamous attacks made upon my reputation, which I defy the World to prove was ever yet Staind by one base or disgracefull Action, I shall ever hold in the Contempt they Merit,  I will know they proceed from my Uniform opposition to Self interested Objects of those engaged in the trade so much and so Justly reprobated at Home - but Sir you will admit, that my feelings upon [indecipherable] to my Public Correspondence of so many Years , are Naturally most Sensibly effected, when I see the information Conveyd by a Despicable & Worthless Character (an Anonimous Writer) great part of which is founded in the most diabolical & Studied falsehood, listend to with Considerable attention by Government, whilst that transmmitted upon the same Subject by the Ostensible Officer is not at all Notic'd; Surely Sir there is a wide difference between the two different Authoritys. I cannot suppose from these circumstances that my Letters have been receiv'd, or I must Conclude,that if they have , I have unfortunally been incapable of making myself understood -  My Public Orders & regulations given out from time to time for the Public good & for the general advantage of the

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