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gave of my good behavior that I was unworthy of it. At his departure for the River Derwent, he left me a Certificate that it might introduce me to any Commanding Officer who might arrive during his absence, the following is a copy of it
"This is to certify that the Revd Henry Fulton performd his duty as Domestic Chaplain to me from the 26 Jan 1808 to the date hereof & administred the Holy Sacrament, during which time, his decorum & piety, besides his loyalty to his Majesty & his Government demand my acknowledgment.
Given under my hand on board his Majestys Ship Porpoise this 20 day of Feb 1809
(Signed) Wm Bligh
You may be surprisd, madam, that I should introduce so much about myself, but it is to prepare your mind for what I am about to relate concerning Mr Marsdens conduct to me. He became my Agent at Port Jackson during nearly 5 years which I passed in Norfolk Island & I was recalld to suit his convenience, as he wishd to go to England. As Norfolk Island is a very disagreeable place to a person who has a growing up family (the female part might as well be kept in a Brothel) I wishd not to return thither & as he went to England for the very purpose of procuring more assistant Clergymen, I hopd that the new comers would be constraind to take their turn there. He told me he would get me appointed at Sidney. When I first arrivd from Norfolk Island Mr Marsden told me, that I would have a moiety of his Salary during his absence, but at his departure he said I could not expect it, as he had not a moiety of the former principal Chaplains Salary in a similar case. I told him I knew he would not get it & I might as well have it, he answerd me I might try.