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picquet had to get tough. It was a tiresome unpleasant job, and ever since, I have never envied a city policeman in his work. The night shift had instructions to keep going until it had evacuated the city of all soldiery: the other Lieutenant and I took this shift, week about. Years afterwards I was in some mixed company when the shady aspects of Cairo were being discussed, and quite innocently I remarked that once I had been in every brothel in Cairo. A few audible gasps went up from the ladies present, and I had to explain, hurriedly, the circumstances. Apart from the native quarter, there were several blocks of flats that were tenanted by girls of several European nations.
The leading hotels and cabarets were out of bounds to "other ranks", and one of my toughest tasks was to cope with a dozen brawny Queensland Light Horsemen who had locked themselves into the private bar at Shepheards Hotel on New Year night, after ejecting everyone else but the terrified barman. The intruders were not smashing anything, and were paying for their drinks. The picquet got them out of the bar-room quietly enough, but unfortunately had to escort them, under arrest, through the big circular ballroom which formed part of the main hallway, and where a grand ball was in progress. The music stopped and the dancers stood in little groups all over the floor. We clumped heavily over the polished parquet in our heavy boots and drab khaki, between beautifully gowned women; officers in their scarlet and gold mess kits; and local civilian big-wigs in dress suits spattered with gaudy decorations.
Our bizarre procession proceeded quietly enough, until a tipsy English Major started to sympathise, very volubly, with our prisoners. This prompted some of them to start struggling with their escorts, who were armed with entrenching-tool handles as batons. In an instant half a dozen were knocked down on the floor, coarse curses were being shouted, blood began to flow, and women started to scream. Quickly the picquet regained control and the tumult subsided as we got the lot out on to the road outside and marched off through the dark deserted streets to Kasr el Nil barracks. There the Light-Horsemen