Series 13: Articles of agreement concerning 'Milford Vale' farm, Bathurst, land owned by the late Samuel Otoo Hassall, 1830, 1834: No. 6

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Articles of Agreement indented, had made, concluded, and agreed upon, this Sixteenth day of May, in the Year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred, and thirty four - Between the Reverend Thomas Hassall of Denbigh, in the district of Cooke, Clerk - James Hassall of Matavai in the district of Cooke. Esquire.William  Shelley of Grampian Hills. in the District of Goulburn :Esquire. and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell widow of the late Samuel Otoo Hassall of Macquarie Grove, in the District of Cooke , and Territory of New South Wales, Esquire: as Executors and Executrix of the late Samuel Otoo  Hassall, of the one part . and Arthur Kemmis of Sydney in the Territory aforesaid.  Esquire, of the other part   Witness , that the said Reverend  Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley, and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell) in consideration of the Rent and  Covenants hereinafter reserved and contained on the part of the said Arthur Kemmis, his Executors or Assigns, to be paid, observed and [performed?] Hath covenanted, promised, and agreed and by the presents doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said Arthur Kemmis to let unto the said Arthur Kemmis in consideration  of the premises Hath on his part covenanted promised and agreed, and by these presents Doth covenant, promise and agree to and with the  said Reverend Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell) their Executors Administrators or assigns to take and lure [?] all that Farm and Dwelling Houses thereon erected situate standing and being in the district of Bathurst and County of Rexburgh; known by the name of Milford Vale containing 800 acres be the same more or less Bounded on the South and West by the Fish Rive, on the East by Mr [Kessy?] Cox's grant and on the North by a Government Reserve and all and singular the outbuildings and Garden thereto belonging for the Term of Seven whole years certain from the First day of January in this present year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and thirty four upon the terms or conditions following, that is to say The said Arthur Kemmis doth hereby for himself his Executors Administrators and Assigns covenant, promise, and agree to and with the said Reverend Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell) for themselves, Executors, Administrators and Assigns in manner following, that is to say That the said Arthur Kemmis Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will well and truly pay unto the said Reverend Thomas Hassall, James Hassall, William Shelley and Lucy Hassall (now Lucy Howell) their Executors Administrators or Assigns the yearly Rent or Sum of Five Pounds good and lawful money of Great Britain (to be paid by Half yearly instalments) from the day of the commencement of the said Tenancy - and that the said Arthur Kemmis, his Executors, Administrators or

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