Item 03: T. J. Cleary diary, 25 August 1918 - 5 July 1919 - Page 28

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[Page 28]

rather coarse "The King drinks" in this a baby is seen trying to emulate the Mannekin.
Tuesday, 18-2-19
Had an all day trip to Waterloo about 18 Kilos out. While we were on top of the Pyramid our Canadian Guide caused some amusement by pointing out the place where the 600 charged, the same Guide when showing us the Palais de Justice gave us the history of the Hotel de Ville instead. These Canadian Guides are the biggest Duds I have ever heard or seen. Some Yanks here bought old fashioned triangular Bayonets supposed to have been dug up on the Battlefield.
Brussells is an extremely lively place indeed every night is like a Friday night around the Block. The Cafes are ablaze with light, by the way there must be more and bigger Cafes in Brussells than anywhere else in the World I believe. The Pavements are crowded with Hawkers selling practically everything. On Rainy nights they monopolize all the Shelter and nobody ever interferes with them. Of course some of them are practically begging, selling matches, Chocolates etc. Another game they get up to is going around with accordean or small piano, singing songs and selling copies of the Words. The Tramway system is large and complicated, but

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