Item 01: Charles Monaghan diary, 1916 - Page 192

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1916 June 28

Raining as usual. Up at 6 a.m. after sound night's sleep & rest. Lecture in picture palace at 7 a.m. Gas – "the terror of the trenches". Breakfast of bacon. March out to gas trench in rain & put through gas again, very strong slushy mud up to ankles, off main road. All main roads paved granite blocks for military traffic. mile of it. Tear shell exploded for our benefit. Stings eyes, most copious weeping. Back to billet. Coffee across road. after dinner march down to 2nd Field Amb. not wanted apparently. Stay in billet there for night. Stables, rat infested & leaky. Go for walk toward trenches after tea, then go to Sailly Empire Pictures. Perkins & his gerkins. Horse stables & rats. Tony's anxiety to get in middle. Heavy bombardment all night, reports of big explosion near by. Slept in our clothes in anticipation of sudden call to duty.

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