Item 01: Charles Monaghan diary, 1916 - Page 302

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[Page 302]

1916 October 16

Slept well in hay barn about 60. Up at 7a.m. A beautiful sunny morning cold & bracing. Without doubt France is a bonny place. The hedges, green green fields, everything of Nature is lovely. But man's handiwork is ugly very ugly. The farmhouses are unsightly & the filthy yards & manure pit in the centre most revolting. Blackberries. Sit in sun in lee of hedge & enjoy the passing hour. Move off at 11 a.m. 'twas fine marching along in the bright clear air. Enjoy it thoroughly. tho pack gets heavy Lunch. & along top of ridge. Grand view over wide expanse of country, towns, spires, canals woods old castle. down into Watten. canal barges – march on & on. thro' one village to next Hedges & trees, all so pretty & romantic. Darkness falls before we reach billets Another barn & hay. Spiders, black dog pitched out. 3rd Field billeted here. Scramble for tea & eat it in dark.

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