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say, I shall not allow my fingers to touch you or anything near you, you filthy Britisher. Then a spasm of "Ya ya" followed by "Ya" from the orderly. Although weak and hungry, one smiles at this performance. I should love to take a few snapshots of them, I am sure they would be exhibited in London as curios of "Hunland at War". I have succeeded in getting a fresh dressing since returning. My leg is septic and contains also fragments of broken bone; despite these troubles, I have been ordered to walk. I refused to obey this cruel order and have repeatedly asked for proper attention. However, my persistent requests are ignored.
24TH-31ST. 25th. The orderly pulled me out of bed and endeavored to make me walk. I protested, but he commenced handling me roughly, consequently I collapsed on account of weakness. I eventually tried to walk and each effort failed, my leg simply doubled under me. The Hun saw the impossibility of walking, so brought me a pair of crutches. With the aid of crutches I struggled about for an hour, he allowed me to return to my bed. The walking exercise or torture continued for three days. I was then made to walk with a stick. I suffered awful agony, subsequently the swelling increased; I told the Doctor, who merely laughed and said "Nicht" meaning nothing, and that I must continue walking. Ultimately my temperature commenced to rise in fever. I was not allowed to return to my bed until the 29th.
There are many seriously wounded men in here, but they receive no attention other than an occasional dry dressing. In every case an operation is necessary to remove either fragments of bone. The Sanitation is horrible and disgraceful; a large bucket stands in a corner a few yards from my bed, and is invariably overflowing with urine and excreta, it very often remains so for days – disinfectant is never used. The stench is odious and repulsive. Despite our persistent requests to have the receptacle removed, the Huns are indifferently unresponsive. A pigsty is healthy compared with this hovel. The food has improved a little. Twice during