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weeping over, - corruption or folly on one side, and madness or [treason?] on the, other, so strongly characterising the leading Parties of our Country, in these times.
our news from this Quarter of the Globe, is of pleasanter description than such as I receive from England.- 'the Capture of Guadaloupe has placed not only the other Islands, but their communications in full security:- and we have no symptoms of discontent or commotion in any Classes of our Communities:- for Tobago I can directly say, that amongst our whites there is no factions,- and that our Blacks seem as happy a [Lower?] People as I have been used to see in parts of Europe.- we have had further, and within the week past, the satisfaction of seeing enter at our Custom house, three vessels from Boston & arriving with regular clearances for Tobago, - and is proof that the Embargoe and non-intercourse acts are no more insisted on; - by the next packet, I hope (I will not say absolutely I expect) - to have Acct of actual and amicable arrangement between Gt Britain and America. - within this month I have had a most interesting visitor, & from whose conversation, I am led to suppose a commerce with South America may at some time, and perhaps shortly open;
Early in the morning of the 2d of June I had a Letter from V Admiral Sir Alex Cochrane, that with the ' Neptune,- the 'Sceptic, - the 'merope' and another ship of war, he had come to anchor in Cauland bay and prepared the passing two or three days with me at Mt William