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in Sunk Road between an Island of that names & and Grimsby. The place is elligible and safe for Kings Ships, but with respect to communication with the Shore it is worse than the Nore. We can only get to it at high water, owing to extensive flatts which dry at half tide, & we are 15 miles from Hull - perhaps this is not to be regretted, as the Ships will be more effectually Guard-Ships, - but a very rapid Tide unavoidably prevents them from being so general a defence as they would otherwise be, for I fear it is impracticable to make use of Springs on our Cables, so as to extend our Circle of defense, as the Ships cannot sustain the tide on their Broad sides, I mean we cannot by any means present the Ship across the direction of the stream, & particularly if the Wind is In or Out. This therefore may prevent our disabling the Ennemy [enemy] before they advance within the natural line of Fire, which perhaps may not exceed a Point or two from right angles of the Stream of the Tide, except what the Ports will admit of pointing the guns. You will find in Collins Great Brittain Coasting Pilot the best Map of this