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near them since, owing to the wind, which is now become WSW and renders it necessary for the Fleet to keep off, & will most likely oblige the Enemy to return to Brest or Camaret Road. I cannot believe they meant to come out to Sea, but merely advanced so far to exercise their Men. On the subject of my consideration I am where I was, but to prove to you my anxious desire to prevent any delay I have assured Mrs. Bligh she may decide for me, and if I have induced her to do so by my letter which will go with this, I shall be satisfied, yet I fear she may dread undertaking such a Task, altho I have been very explanatory, & full, as my other letter was perhaps confused, owing to the short time I had to write to her, & the agitation my mind was in, & which is still unsettled. I have from the same motive, in case it may be necessary, thought it right to submit to you a letter to the Admiralty which if they will comply with will come to Town and decide in a few hours what I can do. My ship is now through my Zeal kept at sea with a cripled Bowsprit, while she should return to Port, but as our Yearly payment of the Crew is not due 'till the 12th May perhaps she may be kept out until then. If you can My dear Sir call on Mrs Bligh it will be considered as an additional favor, & she will be able to convey to you all my Ideas and our feelings on the Subject, which you have been so kind as to interest yourself so much for us.
30th. March - This morning the signal is made for the state and condition of each ship, & I have reported in that account, we require a new Bowsprit. I hope it may be the cause of our soon returning to Port and that some conveyance for our letters will take place in the course of today. It will be great accomodation to me to go in with the Warrior as my stores on board & furniture are valuable, & as she must have a new Bowsprit, perhaps they Adty. may have no objection to send her to Portsmouth. If your letters my Dear Sir directed to me at Sea could be sent through Mr. Marsdens means, then I think there would be no danger of any delay at the Post Office at Plymh. or the ships who take them up, for I have had letters three months in getting to me. I beg you will excuse the way my thoughts are conveyed to you in this letter as I shall ever be my Dear Sir
Most faithfully and
truly Yours
Wm Bligh
The Boat is & I am happy I have the opportunity
Sir Joseph Banks
The Right Honble
Sir Joseph Banks Bart K.B.
Soho Square