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In a former Letter which I wrote to Mr. Stephens, (I believe from this Island,) I requested of him if he had done with the Journal that he would (if it was not thought worth publishing which was my opinion) send it in a Sealed Cover to my Agent James Sykes, should that be done, I have desired Mr. Sykes to deliver it to you; I now beg to offer my offer my further opinion about the publication of it, with every gratefull thanks for your kind & friendly intentions in it. It is now of a very long & ancient date, & the interesting part of that period is done away & gone, but when you have it in your possession I will thank you to read it over again & take into consideration what my reasons were for not wishing it published, & act as you may Judge proper, I am conscious of one thing, which is, that the events of this Settlement has far exceeded my Expectations, & I hope the Return of Mr. Nepean will make you aufait of every thing that has been done here & there, for this place I shall only say, that the 130 Settlers I have here are happy & industrious, & will be very soon independant. Cultivation of all kinds prosper as much as can be wished, or expected & that in the utmost luxuriance, What shall I say more; or what can I say more to the purpose than that every thing thrives equal to my expectations, & if We had but necesaries

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