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his researches in the Continent, Paterson sends you a box of valuable I have also added my mite a list of which I shall inclose.

If there is any publication extant respecting the the Cultivation & Manufacturing of Indigo or Cotton, I will be much obliged to you for it, as both these articles thrive very well, & had we any one here that understand the process, I think it might turn to a very good & valuable account, I shall do the best I can by following Labats directions for the former. I have already made a trial in a few leaves which has made a very good blue.

I was very much disappointed in not getting some N. Zealanders by a Whaler who promised to return with two of them, for the reward of 100£ but his interest was other wise concerned & I have heard no more of him since.

I feel my self much indebted to your goodness, respecting the Journal, but it is now of such an old date, & being only a plain, incorrect & unornamented thing; I think it had better remain in the state it is, only when you get it into your possession I shall be obliged to you to Seal it up & direct it for me to be left with Mr. Sykes a Navy Agent, or if you please, keep it in your possession, Where I shall know, who to call on for it. & believe me Sir, that it will always be a satisfaction to me, to reflect on its being approved if by you, & your Society.

The Plants which were brought from the Cape are all very thriving, & will now be soon planted out in the places where they are to remain, I have no doubt of their doing very well.

At any future Opportunity I shall be very thankfull for some natural &

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