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Anger. He is biting the spear which he is shaking on either side, with the hands. Cape Bedford.
Derision: by turning the buttocks, at person addressed, and smacking them. (cf the European vulgarism "Axe my ass"!). Pr. Charlotte Bay.
Forgetfulness. Plugging the ear and pulling out that which has originally entered there. Cape Bedford.
Knavery. Foolery. tapping on the side of the head ear. He won't listen to reason (i.e. to hearing) Cape Bedford.
Request. Demand. extended arm and open hand. Cape Bedford.
Pennefather River.
Silence. open hand moved from level of chest downwards and outwards. Cape Bedford.
Good-bye. Hooked fore finger points in direction of person addressed. No interpretatiion forthcoming. Rockhampton.
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