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Statement of the [British] Southern Whale Fishery for the Years
1803, 1804 & 1805 
32 vessels return'd from the Southern Whale Fishery, bringing home as under —
1770 Tuns Sperm Oil @ £80 p Tun — £141600
4496 [Tuns] Whale Oil @ 35£ — [£]157360
Total 6266 Tuns

Whale Bone 604 [ditto] @ 40s/ p [ditto] — [£]1208
Seal Skins 5756 @ 10s/ — [£]2878
[Total]  £303,046

90 Sail of Vessels employd

37 Vessels return'd from the Southern Whale Fishery, bringing home as under —
1952 Tuns Sperm Oil @ £78 p Tun — £152256 
4210 [Tuns] Whale Oil @ 32£ — [£]134720
Total 6162 Tuns 

 Seal Skins 107591 @ 7s/  [£]37656 - 17[s]
 [Total] £324,632 -17[s]

92 Sail of Vessels employ'd

32 Vessels return'd from the Southern Whale Fishery, bringing home as under - 
2413 Tuns Sperm Oil @ £75 p Tun — £180975
3099 [Tuns] Whale Oil @ 30£ — [£]92970
Total 5512 Tuns 

Whale Bone 27 [ditto] @ 20s/ — [£]27
Seal Skins 42041@ 8s/  [£]16812 - 8[s]
[Subtotal] [£]290784 -8[s]
Ambergris 180 ozs @ 12s/6d — [£]112 - 10[s]
[Total] £290,896 - 18 [s]

98 Sail of Vessels employ'd

[Signed:] M Enderby

Current Status: 