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Resolution Cape of Good Hope
18th November 1772

Dear Sir

Some Cross circumstances which happened at the latter part of the equipment of The Resolution created, I have reason to think, a coolness betwixt you and I, but I can by no means think it was sufficient to me to break of all corrispondance with a man I am under many obligations to.

I wish I had something intresting to communicate, but our passage here has rather been barren on that head; We touch at St Iago, [Santiago] where we remain'd two days and Mr. Forster got some things there new in your way. Mr Brand has got for you a fine collection as I am told. I depart from hence in a Day or two well stored with every necessary thing, but I am told the French from the Mauritius have got the start of me: about eight Months ago two ships from that island discovered Land in the Latitude of 48ยบ and about the Meridian of the Mauritius along which they saild 40 miles till they came to a bay into which they were about to enter when they were seperated and drove off the coast by a gale of Wind, the one got to the Mauritius soon after and the other is since arrived from Batavia with a Cargo of Arrack as the report goes here.  Also in March last two Frigates from the Same Island touched here in their 

To Joseph Banks Esqr.

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