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the strait between New Holland and New Guinea and of the south coast of the latter, are perhaps desiderata of importance, and might possibly be explored during the circumnavigation of New Holland without much lost time; and during those intervals when the examination of the coasts might be thought too dangerous, that extensive group the Feegee [Fiji] or Blighs Islands would afford ample employment, as well as refreshment, to the crews.
If any similar plan to the above should ever be entered upon, Sir Joseph Banks will immediately see that two vessels ought to be employed upon it, one of which at least, ought to be considerably larger than the Lady Nelson. Then a person or persons could be accomodated [accommodated] who should examine into the natural productions of this wonderful country, for surely what has already been found is materially different from all others; and the mineralogical branch would probably not be the least interesting.
If His Majesty should be so far desirous to have the discovery of New Holland completed, as to send out a vessel after the Lady Nelson proper for the execution of it, and the late discoveries in that country should so far need approbation as to induce the execution of it to be committed to me, I should enter upon it with that zeal which I hope has hitherto characterized my services.
The detention of the Reliance at Spithead, prevents me from paying my respects in person to Sir Joseph Banks, and delivering the letters entrusted to me by His Excellent governor Hunter and lieutenant colonel Paterson, for which reason they are now inclosed, together with a small parcel of the seeds of flowers, shrubs and trees of New South Wales. By the first opportunity I shall do myself the honour of calling in Soho Square to give every further information within my knowledge; as also of laying the charts before the Admiralty; but previously thought it proper to make this private communication to Sir Joseph Banks, pleading in behalf of any informality there may be in thus addressing him, that almost constant employment abroad, and an education amongst the unpolished inhabitants of Lincolnshire fens, have prevented me from learning better; but not from imbibing the respect and consideration with which the Right Honourable president of