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Rarity in the very Cabbin that will be put on board the Thames, without the loss it is believed of 10 per Cent of the whole number put on board & scarce in one any instance of all the individuals of any one Species

The Principal Project which the person who is put in charge of the plant cabbin must attend advert to are two, a constant attention to exlude all admission of salt water or cases of the salt spray on dec with  without the air is sometimes chargd dreaded with & a regular but not too abundant a supply of fresh water.

in all cases of a Gale of wind the Plant Cabbin must be kept under its Coverings & whenever the Sea turns over into White Caps caution must be usd in determining whether or not it should be opend, because at such times the air is generaly impregnated with Salt Spray, the best test of discovering this is by applying the tongue to the Surface of the a hand that has been for sometime exposd to the air on deck, if the hand does not in that case taste salt, the Cabbin may be opend, but in all cases at all times except when the Sea is perfectly smooth, the Coverings should be placed in such a manner as to break off the wind & keep the Plants as much in a Calm as can be, conveniently done & it must be especialy rememberd that no good opportunity of opening the Cabbin  & giving the Plants air should be neglected especialy in the evening or the night in case any suspicion should arise of the Plants having been 

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