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Langstone Harbour, November 6, 1791
Wife / this comes with my Love to you and my Children hoping this will find you all in Good health as i am at present thanks Be to God for it and i received your Letter on Satturday the 5 Inst and i am very happy to think there is such hopes of my pardon wich i hope if please God they Good Gentlemen wich have took it underhand will speed in their undertaking and i return the Sheriff and Squire Shiltive most humble and harty thanks for the pains they have Bestoed upon me for they thoughts of Comming home again to you and my Children makes me quite Joyful wich i hope will Be in a short time and i return all frinds sincere thanks for all favours Bestoed upon me for the Course of Life wich i am in now is a [oun?] of missery for it is my Prayers Both Night and day to Almighty God for a safe return to Enjoy the pleasure of Being at home with you and my Children to Bring them up in an honnest and Godly Way for their is Nobody knows what i feel and the unesey hours that i spend But God and myself But i put my Trust in him as i know thire is nothing out of his power and if we put our trust in him he will Be a frind to us.