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having been included in the Lists sent from this Office to the Receivers of the Land Tax and Civil List, the money remains in Mr Slades hands.

J Edwards

Feb 13 1805

My Dear Sir

I am very Sensible of your Goodness to me in Furnishing me with answers to my Questions & beg you to accept my best thanks for your Friendly attention

on the Subject of the Scientific men it appears to me & I trust it will appear to you Quite Clear that the Stipend allowd to them for the voyage was intended to be given clear of all deductions & that as this was the Case which is Establishd by the advance Payments being made in Full they have a fair Claim to apply for Repayment of the Sums that have been retaind in Consequence of the mistaken use of the word Salary in the Papers Transmitted  to the navy Board by the Admiralty.

I therefore submit to you Sir the Propriety of Substituting the word Stipend in the Rem Place of Salary in all future Proceedings & of Entering a memorandum in the Books describing the New action When this is done it appears to me that the the Board may with safety order all payments in Future to be made in Full & that the money now retaind in Mr  Slades Hands be Returnd to the Claimants who have already receivd the other Part this however my dear Sir I beg leave to Submit to your better Judgment being

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