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I have hinted to Peter Good your intentions of sending a Gardener to India & I have made him the Bearer of this Letter in case you may wish to see Him. He is very anxious that I mention Him to your approbation for that or any other service abroad you may think fit [for?] him. He will readily engage Himself on any terms you may be pleased to name. This I can say that His behaviour in every part since He has been at Kew, which is upward of two years, deserves every good thing I can say of Him & I will answer for it his earnest Study wish be that his conduct shall be approved of by you.
I have also in view an other Man in case you may wish for one for the Sierra Leone Colony affair but I shall hint nothing to Him of the intentions you have mentioned to me till I receive further instructions from You respecting it, I beg Sir you will be assured on no account what ever I would recommend to you a man whose integrity I am not thoroughly convinced off.
I have sent by the Bearer a specimen of of Pæonia from Siberia & two other plants that appear new to me & I shall take the liberty to bring with me the beginning of the week a few others
May 29: