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My Dear Sir
I wrote to you yesterday by the Castle Huntley, but as that letter is in the hands of The Commander, Captn. Paterson, I send this by The Packet that it may reach you in time to send for the Plants & seeds under Capt. P's name as soon as the ship gets into the River.
I was compelled to leave Bengal on account of my health, which sincerely repent, for I have got daily worse during the whole of the long passage of 4 months to this Island where I must remain, for I have not strength to go on or return just now.
I have sent on a corrected copy of the whole of my Botany, arranged according to the system of our old school, it will form a voluminous Indian Flora. Mr. Mayne, the second Officer of The Castle Huntley has charge, & will deliver it to our friend Mr. Davis the Director, who wil deliver it to you
Augt 10. wrote to Mr. Maclean Augt 11 [note by Banks]