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Providence at Port Royal

March 9th 1793

Dear Sir

This with much pleasure I now give you joy of my voyage being completed, and I hope you will think it as fully done as human attention & industry could accomplish.  I wrote to you from St Helene & St Vincents, at the latter the Plants were all put under the care of Doctor Anderson - He showed me two kinds of rice, the Annona, Salac, Irbile, Gandola, Sao, and  Bignonie, from seeds I bought to you, growing in perfection.  The Plants I bought here have been divided among the three counties & these subdivides, besides two deposites, one at Mr. Easts garden & the other at Bath - to superintend these places Mr Niles is ^ to be detained with a salary of two hundred guineas a year & one of our [indecipherable] men as his foreman.

As to the last I feft interested about the fate of the Plants, I sent the assistant with those allowed for the West part of the Island & those for the East I carried

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