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Latd 51'11 N Longd - 13'03 W
July 26th 1793

My Dear Sir
I hope it will be no small satisfaction to you to hear we are thus far on voyage home. I left Jamaica the 15th last month the sailing of the fleet being put off untill more strength arrived. My orders were to convoy home the Honduras Fleet from Cape Antonio, but as I found none of them there I took the liberty to proceed home without them, as I conceived it consistent with the spirit of my orders. The Antelope Packet, a Ship belonging to Bristol & one to Liverpool have been under my convoy. The Packet is now to leave us, because I must pass Cape Clear to endeavour to meet the Fleet which I understand is to cruize in that Neighbourhood for the Jamaica Convoy.
We have 703 Vessels containing very fine plants, and I have pleasure to inform you of five Breadfruit being in high perfection after this, there can be no excuse for their dying in the West Indies, & I hope they will add to the collection, as it was my primary motive to bring them home to you. That I may have the happyness to see you in good health is most ardently the wish of my Dear Sir
Your affectionate
Humble Servant
Wm. Bligh

[note by Banks]
Augt. 3 1793



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