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Providence at Spithead
July 20th. 1791

My Dear Sir

          I am happy to inform you that I have received my final orders, & shall with the utmost dispatch put them in execution, but at present the Wind is contrary, & I cannot get all settled before Sundy or Monday with respect to my people getting their Bounty and two months advance. - I observe I am to touch at Madagascar if I find it convenient, & no mention made of Mauritius but upon the whole I think I am to do what I consider most advantageous to this success of the Plants, & I can promise you my Dear Sir, it is the most likely way to insure it - Do you wish particularly my visiting Madegascar or any other place, for you need only mention it to me and all that is possible shall be done. -  I was sensible from your last kind letter to me that I should not be out of your mind, & I hope my endeavors & execution this Voyage will still convince you I merit every [mark?] of your regard. -  I have by this Post written a letter to the Dutch Ambassador in favor of Mr. [Wanjon?] of Timor, & I hope he will get something done for him. Mrs. Bligh expresses her warmest thanks to you, & I shall ever remain with the greatest regard
Your Affectionate & Hmbl Serv.
Wm Bligh

Sir Joseph Banks Bart

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