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[Page 5]

[For a copy of this list see Series 57.05]​​​​​​​

37. [Fagasa Ptorata?]
38. [indecipherable]
39/40. [Spathalia Simpley?]
41.  Zanthoxylon [?]
42. [Pamoladia?]
43. Bitter Wood
44. Yellow [Saundons?]
45/46. Lamp Gums
47. [indecipherable]
48. [indecipherable]
49. Plusia
51. [indecipherable]
52. [indecipherable]
53. Unknown
54. [Galinsota?]
55 to 59. Capparis
60/61. [Boellice?]
62. Unknown
Wild Coffee
63. Beef Dogwood -
64.  Musk or Alligator Wood - 
65.[indecipherable] Sweet Wood
66.Diadolph [indecipherable]  
67. [indecipherable]
68. Pasiflora
69/70. [Thatch Tree?]
71. Syngenesians [?]
72. Yellow [indecipherable]
73/74. [indecipherable]
75. [indecipherable]
76. Unknown - The Agnifolium of 
77. Bitter Wood
78/79/80. [indecipherable]
81/82/83. Mimosa Arboria - Wild Tamarind


Current Status: 