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for any purposes together with Oaks and other timber and if approved might extend it upon the banks of every river settled in the Country or elsewhere therein there with many more which I at present do not think of which are better known to you than to me I suppose would be very beneficial to that Country and would not be any great expence to Government to establish them in it.
Hops also I think would thrive very well there which also might be easy introduced, and as I have these under Government I have the more thought of them I am known to the present Governor & most of the Officers, & to Colonel Collins & am the person that gave him a sampel [sample] of Copper to show to you, and should these propositions be approved of have no objection of being employ'd on this business to carry them into effect or with it to do any other duty required.
I have taken the Liberty to offer these propositions to you well knowing your superior Judgment in them which if you approve of them you would propose them to Government for the Good of your Country.