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proteinous matter for the seed, & if the plant be destroyed previous to the production of seed these roots which are filled with the Food of plants putrify & afford Food for a subsequent crop. The roots of the grapes do not die; but become simple exhausted & incapable of affording a luxuriant crop of leaves till new matter has been absorbed & assimilated, from the soil.
I can not now recollect where I read the Experiments of Hassenfrats [?] & I am not quite satisfied that in the form my paper was sent to you his deductions were rightly stated. I know that he [indecipherable] prove & many Naturalists [indecipherable] quoted [his] experiments to prove that plants grow in water - neither generate or otherwise acquire Carbon & in his experiment I am certain that he says the quantity of carbon was not increased in the bulbous plants which had vegetated in water. I have now taken that Fact only from him, & indeed I do not think his facts strictly support his deductions.
I am much obliged to you for the Trouble you have taken to procure me the Honour of being a Fellow of the R.S. If I have the Honour to be elected & can not stay late enough in the spring I can visit Town again about the Time of the Autumn Meeting which I have some thoughts of attending if you go.
I did not explain myself properly about the Spanish Ram. I have a very numerous Flock of this