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cut in a Manner we have borrowed from our awkward Neighbours, the Welsh;  but it nevertheless is deserving of general Imitation.  The Stubble is never left more than 2 or 3 Inches long & therefore our Straw is in large Quantity compared with the Produce of Grain.  I am happy that this Country will probably bring to Market at least three Times as much wheat next season as it has done in either of the two preceding Season.  It might easily be made annually to do still more.

The Bet, you first mentioned to me, between Leicestershire & this County was as I [indecipherable] very readily decided in our Favour;  yet we have many Bulls superior to that which was shewn in every Respect & I see one advertised, in our last Week provincial Paper, to be sold by Auction at our next Agricultural Meeting on the 9th of March, which is worth half a dozen of it.  We have an annual shew & sale on that day, with Prizes for the best, which I think a good institution.

In the Autumn I hope to send you the Result of my Experiments of Be-foundation if I succeed. 

I am, my dear Sir
Your much obligd obedient Sert

 Thos And.w Knight


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