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Colossus Spithead, 30 Oct 1787
Hon.ble Sir
Having the Honor to go round the Wold in the Endeavour with You. I humbly take leave to address You. Being in the humble station of a Seamen at present. and always while with You in the Capicity of Gunners Mate. most humbly beg You will be pleased if it lies in Your power (which I flatter myself it deos. to apply for me for a Boatswain's Warrent in His Majestys Service. as I am confident being fit for such a Station - being 43 Years of Age. and 30 years in the Service. hope my long Servitude will procure me the favor I ask having a Wife and Family humbly beg You will be pleased to do what you think fit, And am with the greatest respect
Hon.ble. Sir
Your most Obed.hum.ble Serv.t
Solomon Reading [Redden]
Be pleased to let me
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